Stephen Read: Simo Knuuttila in memoriam (online)
Session 1 (Mon-1)
chair: Costantino Marmo
Calvin Normore: Unrealizable Possibilities: Scotus, Auriol, Ockham (and Bradwardine)?
Coffee break
Luisa Valente: Gilbert of Poitiers’ Analysis of the Category of Time in His Commentary on Boethius’ De Trinitate
Mark Thakkar: Tensed Modals and the Necessity of the Past in the Damianic Tradition
Session 2 (Mon-2)
chair: Luisa Valente
Caterina Tarlazzi: Modes and Minds in the Time of William of Champeaux and Peter Abelard
Wojciech Wciórka: Future-Oriented Terms and Successive Beings around 1200
Heine Hansen, Enrico Donato: The Albricani on Time and Tense
Session 3 (Tue-1)
chair: Paul Thom
Allan Bäck: Avicenna on Modal and Temporal Propositions
Harm Goris: Thomas Aquinas on Tenses and the Workings of the Human Intellect
Jon Bornholdt: Aquinas, Maimonides, and the Tertia Via: Source, Structure, and Context
Fabrizio Amerini: Thomas Aquinas on the Omnitemporal Truth of Enuntiabilia
Session 4 (Tue-2)
chair: Elżbieta Jung
Paul Thom: Gersonides’ Logic of Substantial and Accidental Change
Martyna Koszkało: Synchronic Contingency and the Problem of Predestination. John Duns Scotus' View
John Marenbon: Timeless Eternity as a Defence of Contingency. Aquinas and His Critics (online)
Luca Gili: De Dicto and De Re Modalities in Averroes' and Aquinas’ Arguments for and against the Eternity of Time (online)
Session 5 (Wed-1)
chair: Krystyna Krauze-Błachowicz
Stephen Read: “Everything True Will Be False”: Paul of Venice’s Two Solutions to Insolubles (online)
Costantino Marmo: Time as Continuous Quantity in Brito's Philosophy
Elżbieta Jung: Are Past Events Necessary? Richard Kilvington's Reflection on Time and Contingency
Davide Falessi: Ockham on Formal Contingency
Session 6 (Wed-2)
chair: Marcin Trepczyński
Graziana Ciola: Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur? On Absolutely Impossible Referents in Mid-14th-Century 'Nominalist' Semantics
Boaz Schuman: What are Modals About?
Irene Binini: Medieval Theories on the Conceivability of the Impossible: A Survey of Impossible Positio in Ars Obligatioria During the 13th–14th Centuries