Time, Tense, and Modality

XXIII European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Philosophy, June 27-29, 2022


The conference will be held in the building of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw: Krakowskie PrzedmieĊ›cie 3, Warsaw, Poland.

The sessions will take place in the Maria Ossowska lecture hall (first floor).

The event will also be transmitted on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88356699773?pwd=aDBDSDllc0RZNXp1VWMwMTdjNzNlZz09
(ID: 883 5669 9773, code: 403472).

The lunch place: Informal Kitchen, MaĊ‚achowski Sqr. 2 (entrance from Traugutta Str.: https://goo.gl/maps/WmScLrVG4NXBCoCz9).