Time, Tense, and Modality

XXIII European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Philosophy, June 27-29, 2022



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Costantino Marmo

Università di Bologna

Time as Continuous Quantity in Brito's Philosophy

Radulphus Brito discusses about time in several of his works: in his commentaries on the Metaphysics (qq. V.19-20) and on the Categories (q. 21A and 26B) he focuses on the question of whether time belongs to the category of continuous quantity; again in his Questions on the Categories (passim) he deals with the causal relationship between time and the category of when (quando); in his Questions on the Physics, in addition to the categorical problem, he deals with that of the relations of time with movement and with the instant (nunc). This contribution will focus in particular on the categorical question, without neglecting the relationships of time with movement and with the category of when, taking also into account the positions of his contemporaries on the subject (in particular in the commentaries on the Categories).