Time, Tense, and Modality

XXIII European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Philosophy, June 27-29, 2022



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Elżbieta Jung

University of Lodz

Are Past Events Necessary? Richard Kilvington's Reflection on Time and Contingency

One of the most original English thinker of the fourteenth century – Richard Kilvington, in his works on logic, natural philosophy and theology, devoted a lot of space to reflection on time, contingency and foreknowledge. The present paper is mostly focused on the logical and theological aspects of Kilvington’s views on the necessity, on the analysis of time-sensitive propositions regarding the problems of predestination, foreknowledge and prophecy. I will present Richard Kilvington’s views against the background of some of his opponents, especially Thomas Bradwardine in order to reveal a novelty of his solutions.